Friday, July 14, 2006

Enough is Enough

I have been a long supporter of the statement that athletes are held to a different standard than most college kids. College kid does something stupid, it might make page 30, a college athlete does something stupid, it makes front page. I have always said the university and NCAA make millions off these athletes yet put ridiculous rules on them about getting jobs and basicly any move they make.

With all that said it has been insane to me to hear just this summer, in the two major Alabama football schools(Auburn and Alabama), there has been three drunk driving arrests. Two of them so far have for all practical purposes gotten away with it.

First drunk driving is one of the most selfish and idiotic things a person can do. Everyone, especially a starting football player, has to have one friend out there that can pick them up. Second drunk driving is not only illegal, you are putting someone else's life at stake. A mother, a little girl or even a fellow team mate. Third lets make the statement 'you a starting athlete for an elite football program'. You get your education paid for, you get worshipped like gods around campus, and every Saturday you get to go play a game that could potentially pay you millions. It is sad that a 22 year old man can not put into perspective the fact that something is illegal, you could kill yourself or another person, and you are sacrificing what you and your team work so hard for.

These athletes doing this insult their families, their college, the students and the fans that support them and even though I am a huge supporter of how hard it is to be a student athlete, there comes a point when enough is enough.


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